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Search Social sciences & AV for Circulation
TitleCall numberBarcodeLocation
1 矯正機關績優人員暨績優教誨志工表揚典禮 [錄影資料]. 105年度 548.7114 3108 2016 DVD N014112 AV for Circulation
2 養生太極拳 [錄影資料] / 528.972 4825 N008979 AV for Circulation
3 楊式太極拳六十四勢 [錄影資料] / 528.972 4825-1 N008980 AV for Circulation
4 我的強娜威 [錄影資料] : 移民新娘首部曲 = My imported wife 544.3 8036 N009592 AV for Circulation
5 E.T.月球學園 [錄影資料] / 590.9933 2694 N009590 AV for Circulation
6 山有多高 [錄影資料] / 590.9933 3638 N009588 AV for Circulation
7 路有多長 [錄影資料]=. How long is the road? 590.9933 3638-1 N012601 AV for Circulation
8 野球孩子 [錄影資料]= Baseball boys 528.955 3419 N012595 AV for Circulation
9 天使的孩子 [錄影資料] : 2007善牧基金會公益慈善舞台劇暨教育講座巡迴演出 544.1 1048 N010957 AV for Circulation
10 勞動者的傷口 [錄影資料] : 台灣NPO的腳步 556.8 3467 N009842 AV for Circulation
11 我們 [錄影資料] / 578.9 8036 N012608 AV for Circulation
12 水中螢火蟲的守護者 : 原住民部落護魚記事 537.143 3467 N009841 AV for Circulation
13 Help from Taiwan : 台灣NPO的腳步 548.31 4495 N009843 AV for Circulation
14 核戰威脅 [錄影資料] : 世界末日 = On the brink: doomsday 595.95 4654:1 N011289 AV for Circulation
15 國家的遠見 [錄影資料] = Visions : 赴訪14國,借鏡他山之石,反思不同觀點 552.1 8413 N012701 AV for Circulation
16 交通部民用航空局簡介 [錄影資料] : 守護天際.幸福領航 = Civil Aeronautics Administration, MOTC : Protecting the skies 557.92 0307|e2009 N012739 AV for Circulation
17 教師專業發展評鑑教學影片 [錄影資料] : 教學檔案系列 522.29 4039 N012829 AV for Circulation
18 兩性双贏的故事系列演講 [錄影資料] / 544.7 1092 N012770 AV for Circulation
19 叢林海戰 [錄影資料]=. The jungle navy 592.918 8663 N010021 AV for Circulation
20 太極拳散手 [錄影資料] / 528.972 4825-5 N009976 AV for Circulation
21 太極釖 [錄影資料] / 528.972 4825-2 N009971 AV for Circulation
22 譜出生命的樂章 [錄影資料] : 社工進行曲 547 3563 N012835 AV for Circulation
23 太極刀 [錄影資料] 528.972 4825-3 N009972 AV for Circulation
24 太極拳推手 [錄影資料] / 528.972 4825-4 N009973 AV for Circulation
25 教師專業發展評鑑教學影片 [錄影資料] : 教學觀察與回饋系列 522.29 4039-1 N012830 AV for Circulation
26 偉大飛機 [錄影資料] = Great planes : A-10] : A-10. 598.61 4684 N010078 AV for Circulation
27 閃亮的樂章 [錄影資料 = NSC 50th anniversary commenmorative essay collection] : 國科會50周年紀念文集 573.569 2176 N012883 AV for Circulation
28 法律生活補給站 [錄影資料]=. Legal aid 580 3413 N012843 AV for Circulation
29 作詞家葉俊麟逝世十週年紀念音會 [錄影資料] / 539.133 1228 N012848 AV for Circulation
30 偉大飛機 [錄影資料 = Great planes : KC-135] : KC-135. 598.63 4684 N010080 AV for Circulation
31 經略海洋十年守護2010 [錄影資料] / 599.41 3237 N012914 AV for Circulation
32 暖身運動教學影片 [錄影資料] / 528.92 4838 N012000 AV for Circulation
33 體育單項教學光碟 [錄影資料]. D, 羽球.網球.籃球.自行車.田徑.游泳 528.9 4838-1 N011998 AV for Circulation
34 文化系列演講活動 [錄影資料] / 541.2 1317 N012475 AV for Circulation
35 謝錦 [錄影資料] : 做自己是最深刻的反叛 = The life coach 524.31 2232 DVD N013255 AV for Circulation
36 尊重與包容 [錄影資料] : 98年人權影展暨徵文比賽系列活動 579.27 4800 N012983 AV for Circulation
37 尊重與包容 [錄影資料] : 99年人權影片徵文比賽影片光碟 579.27 4800 N013008 AV for Circulation
38 防災西遊記 [錄影資料] / 555.56 2227 DVD N013539 AV for Circulation
39 出神入化看武術 [錄影資料]= Extreme martial arts 528.97 2382 N011319 AV for Circulation
40 戰爭與工業革命 [錄影資料]= War and civilization: blood and iron 595 6671 N011359 AV for Circulation
41 白宫 [錄影資料]= The white house 574.521 8663 N011392 AV for Circulation
42 五角大廈 [錄影資料]= The pentagon 599.952 1240 N011321 AV for Circulation
43 代理孕母 [錄影資料]= Making babies: cash and carry 544.43 2117 N011338 AV for Circulation
44 軍武特輯 [錄影資料] [3], 海權= Extreme machines : sea power 595.9 3125 N011308 AV for Circulation
45 台灣史 [錄影資料] 諺語篇 539.927 9604 N011116 AV for Circulation
46 黑暗視界 [錄影資料] / 529.65 7781 N011153 AV for Circulation
47 珍珠港 [錄影資料] = Pearl Harbor: legacy of attack 592.9154 8663 N011387 AV for Circulation
48 FBI檔案 [錄影資料]= Best kept secrets: FBI 599.7352 4930 N011340 AV for Circulation
49 國際救難隊 [錄影資料] [1], 火場英雄= Rescue international : facing the fire 548.46 6744 N011298 AV for Circulation
50 軍武特輯 [錄影資料] [2], 空權= Extreme machines : air power 595.9 3125 N011307 AV for Circulation
51 國際救難隊 [錄影資料] [3], 高山救援= Rescue international : high altitude 548.46 6744 N011300 AV for Circulation
52 間諜新科技 [錄影資料]= Spy tek 599.72 7002 N011337 AV for Circulation
53 偉大的印度鐵路 [錄影資料]= The great Indian railway 557.26371 8663 N011378 AV for Circulation
54 石頭夢 [錄影資料]= Stone dream 590.9933 4721 N011567 AV for Circulation
55 魔鏡 [錄影資料] / 520 8036 N011564 AV for Circulation
56 狗狗猩猩大冒險 [錄影資料] / 557.776 6512 N011142 AV for Circulation
57 國際救難隊 [錄影資料] [4], 急難救助= Rescue international : extreme rescues 548.46 6744 N011301 AV for Circulation
58 國際救難隊 [錄影資料] [5], 千鈞一髮= Rescue international : extreme rescues 548.46 6744 N011302 AV for Circulation
59 國際救難隊 [錄影資料] [2], 分秒必爭= Rescue international : rapid response 548.46 6744 N011299 AV for Circulation
60 軍武特輯 [錄影資料] [1], 陸權= Extreme machines : land power 595.9 3125 N011306 AV for Circulation
61 終極運動員 [錄影資料]= Ultimate athlete: pushing the limit 528.9 2432 N011327 AV for Circulation
62 無形塾太極拳實戰理論 [錄影資料]= 太極拳を使う 528.972 3624 N010702 AV for Circulation
63 那些淡江教我們的事 [錄影資料] / 525.827 3347-1 DVD N013177 AV for Circulation
64 台灣教育人物誌 [錄影資料] / 520.98 4838 N010752 AV for Circulation
65 重建之路 [錄影資料] : 公路局921地震救災實錄 548.317 8325 N006433 AV for Circulation
66 生命 [錄影資料] : 五封寄不出去的信一部真實的電影 548.317 2612 N011858 AV for Circulation
67 三叉坑 [錄影資料] : 遷村的消息如雲霧,籠罩靜靜的山谷 548.317 7505 N011859 AV for Circulation
68 防災教育3D動畫與線上遊戲 [錄影資料]=. 亞洲大學資訊傳播學系 528.39 1347 N013125 AV for Circulation
69 校園災害防救計畫 [錄影資料] : 示範宣導光碟 528.39 1347-1 N013126 AV for Circulation
70 原知.原味 [錄影資料]=. The origins 539.529 7740 N010994 AV for Circulation
71 悅.讀客庄 [錄影資料] / 536.211 9030 DVD N013316 AV for Circulation
72 我們的教室,我們的夢 [錄影資料] : 六個台灣創意教師團隊的故事 521.5 8871 N012540 AV for Circulation
73 體育單項運動教學光碟 [錄影資料]. F 528.9 4838-2 N012579 AV for Circulation
74 奇蹟的夏天 [錄影資料]=. My football summer 528.951 4643 N011914 AV for Circulation
75 公司治理另類教材 [錄影資料] : 勞動打拼五十冬. 咱的故事咱的夢. 中華電信工會1993-2007反民營化全記錄 556.733 5412 N012592 AV for Circulation
76 驚艷客家 [錄影資料]=. Amazing Hakka 536.211 2708 N011988 AV for Circulation
77 夢想,從改變開始 [錄影資料]= Dreams begin with change 578.9 4057 DVD N013390 AV for Circulation
78 臺中文化創意產業園區簡介 [錄影資料] / 528.416 3872 DVD N013451 AV for Circulation
79 敬!陽光燦爛的日子 [錄影資料] : 2011總統教育獎得主紀錄短片 = The shining life 520.927 4800-5 DVD N013449 AV for Circulation
80 臺灣人權發展系列講座 [錄影資料] 579.27 4370-2 DVD N013848 AV for Circulation
81 地方治理的經驗與傳承系列講座 [錄影資料] 575.33 4370 DVD N013915 AV for Circulation
82 食家與廚娘 [錄影資料] : 無障礙閱讀推廣計畫 = A gourmet and a cook : Barrier-free reading promotion plan 538.7 8031 DVD N013972 AV for Circulation
83 歧視卡麥啦 [錄影資料] : 102年度防制就業歧視微電影徵選得獎作品集 542.77 0191 DVD N013840 AV for Circulation
84 台灣競爭力的故事 [錄影資料] : 獻給全台灣工作中的人 552.287 1010 N007885 AV for Circulation
85 亞洲民主人權獎 [錄影資料] = Asia democracy and human rights award 579.27 4370-3 DVD N013966 AV for Circulation
86 我們的島嶼 : 釣魚臺列嶼 [錄影資料] = 釣魚臺列嶼主權屬於中華民國教育版文宣影片 578.193 4002 DVD N013931 AV for Circulation
87 大學就是這樣復活的 [錄影資料] : 大學小革命成果紀錄片 525.933 5442 DVD N013810 AV for Circulation
88 金融探索之旅 [錄影資料] 561.927 2381 N015066 AV for Circulation
89 游泳入門 [錄影資料] 528.96 4825 N008958 AV for Circulation
90 中小學教師專業發展評鑑 [錄影資料] : 優良教學檔案甄選計畫影片. 104學年度 522.29 4104 DVD N014114 AV for Circulation
91 角落 [錄影資料]=. Corner's 544.75 8036 N006192 AV for Circulation
92 義保利民: 擺接義塚大墓公中元祭典 [錄影資料] : 土城大墓公口述歷史影像紀錄專輯 538.596 2638 DVD N014965 AV for Circulation
93 智客 [錄影資料] = Smart people 542.75 9209 DVD N014090 AV for Circulation
94 海洋商業帝國 [錄影資料] = Empire of th Sea 558.093 4603 DVD N014094 AV for Circulation
95 安地斯山求生記 [錄影資料] = STRANDED: The Andes Plane Crash Survivors 557.909 7164 DVD N014202 AV for Circulation
96 太陽之子 [錄影資料] = Son Of The Sun 536.3361 3264 DVD N014466 AV for Circulation
97 鐵達尼號追緝錄 [錄影資料] 557.491 4047 DVD N013936 AV for Circulation
98 微光時代 [錄影資料] = 547.16 7212 DVD N014261 AV for Circulation
99 不即不離 [錄影資料] = Absent without Leave 577.2 0041 DVD N014260 AV for Circulation
100 翻滾吧! 男人 [錄影資料] = Jump! men 528.93 4407-1 DVD N014455 AV for Circulation
101 天.地.人 [錄影資料] 536.3365 3264 DVD N014457 AV for Circulation
102 街角的記憶 : 區域型文化資產環境保存及活化計畫 541.27 3488 DVD N015164 AV for Circulation
103 台灣綠能發展與環境衝擊 [錄影資料] 554.68 7543 N015387 AV for Circulation
104 創意未來 [錄影資料] = Creative future 541.49 5560 N015389 AV for Circulation
105 認識細菌 [錄影資料]=. Understanding : bacteria 369.4 3826 N010073 AV for Circulation
106 探測木星 [錄影資料]= ON JUPITER 323.35 8376 N008278 AV for Circulation
107 美女與野獸 [錄影資料] : 豹的故事 = BEAUTY & THE BEASTS : A LEOPARD'S STORY 389.818 8663 N008265 AV for Circulation
108 彗星撞擊 [錄影資料]= Solar empire : impact 323.6 8376 N008276 AV for Circulation
109 蒼穹尋奇 [錄影資料]= Solar empire : heavens above 323.4 8376 N008282 AV for Circulation
110 浴火重生 [錄影資料]= Born of fire 354 8663 N008259 AV for Circulation
111 情同手足黑猩猩 [錄影資料]= Among the wild chimpanzees 389.97 8663 N008257 AV for Circulation
112 地震 [錄影資料] : Raging planet ; earthquake 354.4 8376 N008272 AV for Circulation
113 星際探巡 [錄影資料]= Solar empire : edge of darkness 320 8376 N008279 AV for Circulation
114 火災 [錄影資料]= Ranging planet. fire 367.28 8376 N008273 AV for Circulation
115 登陸火星 [錄影資料]= Solar empire : space trek 323.33 8376 N008283 AV for Circulation
116 象族 [錄影資料]= REFLECTIONS ON ELEPHANTS 389.84 8663 N008266 AV for Circulation
117 尋訪外星人 [錄影資料]= Solar empire : alien neighbors 326.96 8376 N008280 AV for Circulation
118 火山爆發 [錄影資料]= Raging planet : volcano 354.1 8376 N008271 AV for Circulation
119 颶風 [錄影資料]= Raging planet : hurricanes 328.55 8376 N008268 AV for Circulation
120 宇宙之旅 [錄影資料]= Wonders of the universe : The infinite quest 323.9 8376 N008267 AV for Circulation
121 龍捲風 [錄影資料]= Raging planet : tornadoes 328.56 8376 N008269 AV for Circulation
122 象族 [錄影資料] : 發現非洲象群自在遨遊的生活 = Reflections on Elephants 389.84 8663|e2000 N012307 AV for Circulation
123 南亞海嘯 [錄影資料] : 生死一瞬間 = Tsunami : the race for survival 351.9791 4013 N012643 AV for Circulation
124 逹爾文之島 [錄影資料]=. Galapagos : Beyond Darwin 362.1 4014 N010029 AV for Circulation
125 萬獣之王 [錄影資料]=. Wild discovery : the lion's share 389.818 4144 N010031 AV for Circulation
126 暴龍 [錄影資料]=. The ultimate guide : T-Rex 359.57 7442 N010023 AV for Circulation
127 馴鹿返鄉 [錄影資料]=. Wild discovery. return of the Caribou 389.885 1144 N010028 AV for Circulation
128 熊之家族 [錄影資料]=. Gears 389.813 4041 N010027 AV for Circulation
129 動物之最 [錄影資料]=. Natural born winners 380 4444 N010042 AV for Circulation
130 阿拉斯加野生動物 [錄影資料]=. Alaskan wild 389.82 4444 N010057 AV for Circulation
131 真正的夏娃 [錄影資料] : 人類起源 = The Real Eve 390 5535 N010046 AV for Circulation
132 眼鏡蛇 [錄影資料]=. Cobra : the king of snakes 388.797 6028 N010033 AV for Circulation
133 雨林中的傳奇 [錄影資料] : Spirits of the rainforest 383.5 2444 N010053 AV for Circulation
134 蛇類竒観 [錄影資料]=. Snakes 388.796 7941 N010032 AV for Circulation
135 蛇之眼 [錄影資料]=. Eye of the serpent 388.796 4054 N010036 AV for Circulation
136 弱肉強食 [錄影資料]=. Hunters : the deadly game 367.6 4054 N010039 AV for Circulation
137 鱷魚伏撃 [錄影資料]=. Dawn of the dragons 388.793 4054 N010035 AV for Circulation
138 大猩猩 [錄影資料]=. The ultimate guide. great apes 389.97 4445 N010412 AV for Circulation
139 認識病毒 [錄影資料]=. understanding : viruses 369.74 8376 N010074 AV for Circulation
140 野狼撲撃 [錄影資料]=. Hunters : The savage pack 389.818 4054-1 N010034 AV for Circulation
141 氷河紀動物 [錄影資料]=. Ice age survivors 359.5 1094 N010062 AV for Circulation
142 昆蟲王國 [錄影資料]=. The crawling kingdom 387.7 4054 N010038 AV for Circulation
143 大象 [錄影資料]=. Elephants 389.84 1721 N010413 AV for Circulation
144 掠食者 [錄影資料]=. Hunters : tooth and claw 389.818 4054 N010041 AV for Circulation
145 海豚世界 [錄影資料]=. Dolphins 389.75 4445 N010091 AV for Circulation
146 空氣之海 [錄影資料]=. Oceans of air 328.8 5142 N010061 AV for Circulation
147 北極熊 [錄影資料]=. Wild Discovery-Polar Bears:Shadows on The Ice 389.813 1211 N010063 AV for Circulation
148 貓科動物 [錄影資料]=. The ultimate guide : big cats 389.818 4042 N010093 AV for Circulation
149 大腦演化 [錄影資料]=. The brain : our universe within evolution 394.91 3841 N010076 AV for Circulation
150 猛禽大観 [錄影資料]=. The ultimate guide : birds of prey 388.892 0042 N010092 AV for Circulation
151 非洲霊猿 [錄影資料]=. people of the forest 389.9 5054 N010052 AV for Circulation
152 與狼共舞 [錄影資料]=. Wolves at our door 389.818 4481 N010084 AV for Circulation
153 科莫多龍 [錄影資料]=. Wild discovery : Dragons of Komodo 388.792 4464 N010051 AV for Circulation
154 基因的祕密 [錄影資料]=. Discovery Magazine : Genetics 363.9 4024 N010072 AV for Circulation
155 遺傳基因 [錄影資料]=. Making babies : genetically correct 363 4467 N010071 AV for Circulation
156 與鯨共舞 [錄影資料]=. in the company of whales 389.7 4377 N010082 AV for Circulation
157 海中覇王 [錄影資料] : Hunters : rulers of the deep 388.591 4054 N010048 AV for Circulation
158 灰鯨遷移 [錄影資料]=. secrets of the deep II : whales of the pacific northwest 389.76 4027 N010081 AV for Circulation
159 Onboard pollution response [videorecording] : be your best, prepare for the worst 386.05 M872 N010132 AV for Circulation
160 Bunkering operations [videorecording] : safe oil transfer procedures. 386.05 M872 N010139 AV for Circulation
161 Drug and alcohol awareness for the maritime employee [videorecording]. 386.05 M872 N010124 AV for Circulation
162 STCW compliance [videorecording] : a common sense approach 386.05 M872 N010158 AV for Circulation
163 Enclosed space entry [videorecording] : rescue drill procedures. 386.05 M872 N010137 AV for Circulation
164 Marine vapor control operations [videorecording]. 387.51 C128 N010133 AV for Circulation
165 Fire drill [videorecording] : prevent-prepare-practice. 386.05 M872 N010141 AV for Circulation
166 Access control [videorecording] : threat awareness and prevention. 386.05 M872 N010001 AV for Circulation
167 Enclosed space entry [videorecording] : enclosed space entry. 386.05 M872 N010138 AV for Circulation
168 Security search techniques [videorecording] : personnel. 386.05 M872 N010166 AV for Circulation
169 大象之后 [錄影資料]=. Queen of the elephant 389.84 2224 N010414 AV for Circulation
170 Clearing the air : a guide to a smoke free workplace [videorecording]. 386.05 M872 N010125 AV for Circulation
171 U.S.port state control [videorecording] : shipshape & inspection ready. 386.05 M872 N010157 AV for Circulation
172 Security now! [videorecording] : the assessment. 386.05 M872 N010006 AV for Circulation
173 Slip, trip and fall avoidance in the offshore oil and maritime industries [videorecording]. 386.05 M872 N010151 AV for Circulation
174 Security search techniques [videorecording] : accommodation. 386.05 M872 N010009 AV for Circulation
175 Security search techniques [videorecording] : ship's stores. 386.05 M872 N010165 AV for Circulation
176 Fire in port [videorecording] : the ship-shore interface. 386.05 M872 N010140 AV for Circulation
177 長毛象重見天日 [錄影資料]=. Raising the mammoth 389.84 7255 N010059 AV for Circulation
178 Ship security officer [videorecording] : duties and responsibilities 386.05 M872 N010163 AV for Circulation
179 Stowaways [videorecording] : a new view on prenention. 386.05 M872 N010162 AV for Circulation
180 Security search techniques [videorecording] : Baggage. 386.05 M872 N010010 AV for Circulation
181 Security now! [videorecording] : from plan to action. 386.05 M872 N010005 AV for Circulation
182 長毛象國度 [錄影資料]=. Land of the mammoth 389.84 7255-1 N010058 AV for Circulation
183 神秘大沼澤 [錄影資料]=. The big wet 367.883 1046 N010045 AV for Circulation
184 Personal injury prevention [videorecording] : building a safety culture 386.05 M872 N009898 AV for Circulation
185 Personal survival [videorecording] 386.05 M872 N009902 AV for Circulation
186 Fuel oil burner theory and diagnostics [videorecording]. 387.51 C128 N010284 AV for Circulation
187 Marpol [videorecording]. 387.51 C128 N010270 AV for Circulation
188 Basic fire tighting [videorecording] 386.05 M872 N009899 AV for Circulation
189 Onboard first aid: immediate actions [videorecording] : a video training program based on S.T.C.W. requirments 386.05 M872 N009901 AV for Circulation
190 從空中看地球 [錄影資料]. 第二季=. Earth from above 367.4 1377 N012913 AV for Circulation
191 極端環境 [錄影資料]. (1), 氣候 308 4014 N012959 AV for Circulation
192 科學向前衝 [錄影資料]. [4] : 身體/疼痛 = One step Beyond the Body/Pain 308 2728 N012402 AV for Circulation
193 科學向前衝 [錄影資料]. [5] : 秘密/奇人異事 = One Step Beyond Secrets/Bizarre 308 2728 N012403 AV for Circulation
194 極端環境 [錄影資料]. (3), 地形 308 4014 N012971 AV for Circulation
195 Over-exploiting the oceans [videorecording] = 海洋的過度開發: 危險的過度捕撈 : the dangers of over-fishing 333.95611 Ov2 DVD N013243 AV for Circulation
196 極端環境 [錄影資料]. (2), 水資源 308 4014 N012962 AV for Circulation
197 科學向前衝 [錄影資料]. [3] : 超自然體驗/精神力 = One Step Beyond Supernatural/Mind Power 308 2728 N012401 AV for Circulation
198 科學向前衝 [錄影資料]. [1] : 生存本能/恐懼 = One Step Beyond Survival/Fear 308 2728 N012399 AV for Circulation
199 科學向前衝 [錄影資料]. [2] : 超人/極限世界 = One Step Beyond Superhumans/Extreme 308 2728 N012400 AV for Circulation
200 動物聲樂交響曲 [錄影資料]=. The animal symphony 380 4802 N014551 AV for Circulation
201 Global warming [videorecording] = 全球暖化: 什麼是事實,什麼是宣傳 : what's truth and what's propaganda? 363.73874 G51 DVD N013244 AV for Circulation
202 星球的誕生 [錄影資料]=. Solar empire : a star is born 323.2 8376 N013001 AV for Circulation
203 Marpol Annex VI - Prevention of Air pollution from ships [videorecording] 341.7623 M347 DVD N013477 AV for Circulation
204 認識時間 [錄影資料]=. Understanding: time 327.5 0067 N011275 AV for Circulation
205 好馬一族 [錄影資料]= The noble horse 389.875 8663-1 N011382 AV for Circulation
206 化石與地球 [錄影資料] / 358 3683 N011200 AV for Circulation
207 未來狂想曲 [錄影資料]=. The future is wild 362 8867 N011137 AV for Circulation
208 認識磁力 [錄影資料]=. Understanding: magnetism 338.2 0014 N011276 AV for Circulation
209 深海科學探秘 [錄影資料]. 險峻深海=. Science of the deep : aquarious : hostile deep 367.89 3327-1 N011269 AV for Circulation
210 認識宇宙 [錄影資料]=. Understanding III: the universe 323.9 0033 N011277 AV for Circulation
211 貓咪的秘密日記 [錄影資料] = The secret life of cats 389.818 8663-8 N011381 AV for Circulation
212 認識太空旅行 [錄影資料]=. Understanding IV: space travel 326 0043 N011402 AV for Circulation
213 18th and 19th century educational philosophers [videorecording] 370.1 Ei44 N013048 AV for Circulation
214 綜合科技 [錄影資料] = Integrated science 308.1 4663 N011828 AV for Circulation
215 John Dewey : a history of philosophy [videorecording] 370.1 H734 N013049 AV for Circulation
216 Time of darkness [videorecording] = 消耗臭氧層的元凶 363.7384 T482 N011664 AV for Circulation
217 The Future just happened [videorecording] = 網路大未來 306.46 F989 N011662 AV for Circulation
218 身體的景色 [錄影資料] = Bodyscapes 308.1 4663-1 N011830 AV for Circulation
219 神奇的製作 [錄影資料] = Magic of making 308.1 4663-1 N011833 AV for Circulation
220 綜合科技 [錄影資料] = Integrated science 308.1 4663 N011820 AV for Circulation
221 震驚世界的日子 [錄影資料] : Days that shook the world 308.1 4663-1 N011837 AV for Circulation
222 遠古的生命 [錄影資料] = Ancient lives 308.1 4663-1 N011829 AV for Circulation
223 全球警訊 [錄影資料] = Global warning 308.1 4663-1 N011832 AV for Circulation
224 失落的世界 [錄影資料]=. Lost World : life in the balance 308.1 2424 N011633 AV for Circulation
225 Interactive teaching [videorecording] : promoting better learning using peer instruction and Just-in-Time Teaching 371.102 In8 N014806 AV for Circulation
226 Curriculum mapping [videorecording] : charting the course for content 375.001 C936c N013501 AV for Circulation
227 極端環境 [錄影資料]. (4) 308 4014 N013059 AV for Circulation
228 Connecting [videorecording] : understanding by design, what works in schools, curriculum mapping, curriculum for the 21st century 371.2 C762 N013089 AV for Circulation
229 Rx for survival [videorecording] = 找出生存之道-全球衛生挑戰 : a global health challenge 362.1 R949 N013083 AV for Circulation
230 Media literacy in the 21st century classroom [videorecording] 302.2307 M468 N013086 AV for Circulation
231 Problem-based learning for the 21st century classroom [videorecording] 373.139 P94 N013088 AV for Circulation
232 The beginning teacher [videorecording] 302.346 B394 N013090 AV for Circulation
233 我們的地球 [錄影資料]=. Earth 324 3141 N013105 AV for Circulation
234 科學探索工廠 [錄影資料]=. Science workshop 308 2754 N015067 AV for Circulation
235 愛因斯坦的理論與應用 [錄影資料]. 1, 理論篇.=. EinSteinchen 331.2 2644-2 N012501 AV for Circulation
236 愛因斯坦的理論與應用 [錄影資料]. 3, 應用篇(二).=. EinSteinchen 331.2 2644-2 N012503 AV for Circulation
237 基因研究與醫療科技 [錄影資料] : High Tech 368 0233 N012508 AV for Circulation
238 愛因斯坦的理論與應用 [錄影資料]. 2, 應用篇(一).=. EinSteinchen 331.2 2644-2 N012502 AV for Circulation
239 全球溫室效應的研究 [錄影資料] [錄影資料]=. Greenhouse earth : an uncontrolled experiment 328.48 4656 N013141 AV for Circulation
240 鯨豚的研究與保育 [錄影資料] [錄影資料] / 389.7 6124 N013147 AV for Circulation
241 尖端科學能否控制天候 [錄影資料] [錄影資料]=. Can we control the weather? 328 5042 N013142 AV for Circulation
242 野蠻生存遊戲精選系列 [錄影資料]=. Predator's prey 380.7 4744 N011956 AV for Circulation
243 愛因斯坦特殊相對論 [錄影資料] : Einsteins equation of life and death 331.2 4663 N012587 AV for Circulation
244 Coral reefs and climate change [videorecording] 333.9164 C81 DVD N013551 AV for Circulation
245 Le climat selon sophie. sur nos cotts [videorecroding] = 誰來救救地球. 海岸篇 363.73874 L46 DVD N014059 AV for Circulation
246 Edge of the earth 363.73874 Ed35 DVD N014979 AV for Circulation
247 宇宙的誕生 [錄影資料]= Wonders of the Universe : big bang, big mystery 323.9 8376 N008275 AV for Circulation
248 科學探索百科:感官篇 [錄影資料]=. the functions of juman body : sense 398.95 1163 N010357 AV for Circulation
249 Hot coffee [videorecording] 346.7303 H797 DVD N013356 AV for Circulation
250 Explosives [videorecording] : search and response procedures. 386.05 M872 N010003 AV for Circulation
251 Security now! [videorecording] : the on-scene survey. 386.05 M872 N010007 AV for Circulation
252 愛爾蘭駿馬 [錄影資料] : 愛爾蘭人與馬共譜浪漫戀曲 = Ballad of the Irish horse 389.875 8663-2 N012292 AV for Circulation
253 Personal safety & social responsibility [videorecording] 386.05 M872 N009900 AV for Circulation
254 Lifeboat operation and survival practices [videorecording]. 386.05 M872 N010146 AV for Circulation
255 洪水 [錄影資料]= Raging planet-Flood 351.82 8376 N008274 AV for Circulation
256 鱷魚王國 [錄影資料 ] : 勇闖禁地,見識強悍的鱷魚王國!= REALM OF THE ALLIGATOR 388.793 8663 N012302 AV for Circulation
257 奇異旅程 [錄影資料]=. Amazing journeys 367.58 4602 N011631 AV for Circulation
258 致命害蟲 [錄影資料]=. Deadly bugs 387.7 5034 N010049 AV for Circulation
259 花豹家族 [錄影資料]=. The leopard son 389.818 5054 N010060 AV for Circulation
260 Sicko [videorecording] = 健保真要命 362.10973 Si12 DVD N014083 AV for Circulation
261 First comes love [videorecording]= 為愛而生 306.8 F519 N014082 AV for Circulation
262 Land grabbing [videorecording] = 土地正義 307.12 L229 DVD N014084 AV for Circulation
263 虎頭鯊 [錄影資料]=. Secrets of the deep II : sand tigers 388.591 4027-1 N010087 AV for Circulation
264 八爪章魚 [錄影資料]=. Octopus 386.795 1130 N010411 AV for Circulation
265 大白鯊 [錄影資料]=. Great white 388.591 4027 N010086 AV for Circulation
266 Steak (R)evolution [videorecording] = 極品牛排解碼之旅 363.192 St31 DVD N014056 AV for Circulation
267 10 Billion : What's on your plate? [videorecording] = 飲食革命 : 明日的餐桌 363.192 T25 DVD N014055 AV for Circulation
268 鯊魚末日 [錄影資料]=. Secrets of The Deep II-Sharks on The Brink of Extincion 388.591 4027-2 N010089 AV for Circulation
269 空中巨鯊 [錄影資料]=. Air Jaws:Sharks of South Africa 388.591 0010 N010088 AV for Circulation
270 Le climat selon sophie. sur nos terres [videorecroding] = 誰來救救地球. 陸地篇 363.73874 L46 DVD N014066 AV for Circulation
271 Alphée of the Stars [videorecording] = 艾爾菲的星星 306.87 Al74 DVD N014150 AV for Circulation
272 Shipboard familiarization [videorecording] : know your duties, know your ship. 386.05 M872 N010159 AV for Circulation
273 The seventh continent [videorecording] = 第七大陸:萬年垃圾島 363.7394 Se82 DVD N014182 AV for Circulation
274 Plastic paradise:the great Pacific garbage patch [videorecording] = 塑膠天堂:太平洋垃圾帶 363 P695 DVD N014177 AV for Circulation
275 Zero days [videorecording] = 零日網路戰 307.76 Z54 DVD N014169 AV for Circulation
276 窈窕奶爸. [錄影資料] = 海馬 Dating daddies : hippocampus 388.596 5281 N014831 AV for Circulation
277 The refugees of the blue planet [videorecording] = 藍色星球上的難民 363.7 R259 DVD N013242 AV for Circulation
278 Taste the waste [videorecording] = 你在浪費食物嗎? 338.194 T186 DVD N013766 AV for Circulation
279 Mapping the Future [videorecording] : The power of algorithms = 大數據演算法 331.702 M322 DVD N014159 AV for Circulation
280 深海底生物 [錄影資料] : 驚心動魄四仟米 ; 吸血鬼烏戝現形記 = Vampire From the Abyss 366.9 2422 N009159 AV for Circulation
281 深海奥祕 [錄影資料] = Deep sea, deep secrets 367.89 5044 N010040 AV for Circulation
282 海嘯 [錄影資料]= Raging planet : tidal wave 351.9791 8376 N008277 AV for Circulation
283 Cyberwar threat [videorecording] = 全球網路戰威脅 364.168 C992 DVD N014158 AV for Circulation
284 貓謎 [錄影資料] : 探究貓與人之間複雜的親密關係 = Cats : Caressing the Tiger 389.818 8663-9 N012295 AV for Circulation
285 森蚺奇境 [錄影資料] : 赤足進入巨蛇的王國 = Land of the anaconad 388.798 8663 N012293 AV for Circulation
286 太陽系全集 [錄影資料] = The Planets 323.2 4663 N012284 AV for Circulation
287 澳洲動物探秘 [錄影資料] : 珍禽異獸遍佈澳洲,動物王國風貌迷人 = Australia's animal mysteries 308.1 8663 N012291 AV for Circulation
288 十個可能 [錄影資料] : 如何預見未來 = Ten ways to see into the future 308.1 4460 N012308 AV for Circulation
289 Time suspended [videorecording]= 失蹤的時光 323 T482 DVD N014403 AV for Circulation
290 An inconvenient sequel : truth to power [videorecording] = 不願面對的真相 2 363.738 In2 DVD N014446 AV for Circulation
291 Fast Fashion [videorecording] = 快時尚:低成本時尚的高昂代價 338 L962 N015631 AV for Circulation
292 Collective [videorecording] = 一場大火之後 362.1042 C685 N015634 AV for Circulation
293 宇宙生命體的存在 [錄影資料] = Wonders : are we Alone? 323.9 4742 N015665 AV for Circulation
294 重建珊瑚礁 [錄影資料] 354.6 3243 N015707 AV for Circulation
295 大自然發威時 [錄影資料] : 水 = Against the elements : water 367.28 4221 N015762 AV for Circulation
296 沙塵暴 [錄影資料] = Dust storm 328.55 2147 N015780 AV for Circulation
297 Does sex really matter? = 性別真的重要嗎? 305.3 D741 N015828 AV for Circulation
298 漫長的一天 = The longest day 328.8 4000 N015876 AV for Circulation