National Taiwan Ocean University

Office of Library and Information Technology


Audiovisual media


Book classification
  1. Generalities ( 23 )
  2. Philosophy & psychology ( 51 )
  3. Religion ( 6 )
  4. Natural sciences & mathematics ( 245 )
  5. Technology(Applied sciences) ( 212 )
  6. Social sciences ( 342 )
  7. Chinese geography & history ( 51 )
  8. Geography & history ( 248 )
  9. Language ( 69 )
  10. Literature & rhetoric ( 5 )
  11. The arts ( 1639 )
  1. Appendix Area ( 15 )
  2. AV for Circulation ( 1207 )
  3. Home Video ( 299 )
  4. AV Room ( 1 )
  5. MOVIE ( 1243 )
  6. MPAA rating R ( 56 )
  7. 5F Chinese Books ( 1 )
  8. 5F Avth Room ( 2 )
  9. 4F English Books ( 1 )
  10. Reference ( 2 )
  11. Appendix ( 1 )
  12. In Library Use ( 5 )
  13. 3F Dream Ocean ( 85 )
Search Religion & AV for Circulation
TitleCall numberBarcodeLocation
1 玄祕之旅 [錄影資料] 3, 未解之謎= Mysterious journeys: unexplained 297 0330 N011357 AV for Circulation
2 玄祕之旅 [錄影資料] 1, 未知之地= Mysterious journeys: unknown 297 0330 N011355 AV for Circulation
3 夢.旅人 [錄影資料] : 每個人的旅程宛如夢想交錯 226.96 5272 N011860 AV for Circulation
4 玄祕之旅 [錄影資料] 2, 超自然接觸= Mysterious journeys: supernatural 297 0330 N011356 AV for Circulation
5 Hope for hurting hearts [videorecording] = 希望的力量 248.866 H771 DVD N013776 AV for Circulation
6 佛經附圖 [錄影資料] : 蔵漢藝術小品 = Convergence of radiance : Tibeto-Chinese buddhist scripture illustrations from the collection of the National Palace Museum 220.7 4414 N009956 AV for Circulation