Audiovisual media DVD Book classification Generalities ( 23 ) Philosophy & psychology ( 51 ) Religion ( 6 ) Natural sciences & mathematics ( 245 ) Technology(Applied sciences) ( 212 ) Social sciences ( 342 ) Chinese geography & history ( 51 ) Geography & history ( 248 ) Language ( 69 ) Literature & rhetoric ( 5 ) The arts ( 1639 ) Location Appendix Area ( 15 ) AV for Circulation ( 1207 ) Home Video ( 299 ) AV Room ( 1 ) MOVIE ( 1243 ) MPAA rating R ( 56 ) 5F Chinese Books ( 1 ) 5F Avth Room ( 2 ) 4F English Books ( 1 ) Reference ( 2 ) Appendix ( 1 ) In Library Use ( 5 ) 3F Dream Ocean ( 85 ) Search Generalities MPAA rating R : TitleCall numberBarcodeLocation 1 Tell me something [videorecording]= 殘骸線索 791.4372 T237 N008699 MPAA rating R 2 惡夢探偵 [錄影資料] 987.83 4514 N012029 MPAA rating R 3 色戒 [錄影資料]=. Lust Caution 987.83 4030-1 N012384 MPAA rating R 4 天邊一朵雲 [錄影資料]=. The wayward cloud 987.83 4460-1 N009989 MPAA rating R 5 American beauty [videorecording]= 美國心玫瑰情 791.4372 Am35b N012786 MPAA rating R 6 Wild [videorecording] = 那時候, 我只剩下勇氣 791.4372 W643 N013788 MPAA rating R 7 Disclosure [Viedorecording] = 桃色機密 791.4372 D631 N005764 MPAA rating R 8 Planet of the apes [videorecording] = 浩劫餘生 791.4372 P693 N008582 MPAA rating R 9 Gangland II [videorecording]= 鬥陣俱樂部 2 791.4372 G154 N009449 MPAA rating R 10 下一個還是你 [錄影資料]=. Urban legends : final cut 987.82 1123 N008586 MPAA rating R 11 Femme fatale [videorecording]= 雙面驚悚 791.4372 F349 N009452 MPAA rating R 12 Halloween: Resurrection [videorecording]= 戰慄on-line 791.4372 H158 N008931 MPAA rating R 13 著魔 [錄影資料] = Ritual 987.82 4400 N008939 MPAA rating R 14 Unfaithful [videorecording]= 出軌 791.4372 Un2 N008919 MPAA rating R 15 The anniversary party [videorecording]= 真愛大吐槽 791.4372 An77 N008914 MPAA rating R 16 性別錯亂 [錄影資料]=. la confusion des genres 987.82 9682 N008992 MPAA rating R 17 Vidocq [videorecording]= 奪命解碼 791.4372 V668 N008932 MPAA rating R 18 Thir13en ghosts [videorecording]= 惡靈 13 791.4372 T349 N008702 MPAA rating R 19 Tigerland [videorecording]= 猛虎島 791.4372 T448 N008687 MPAA rating R 20 The patriot [viedorecording] = 決戰時刻 791.4372 P274 N007494 MPAA rating R 21 The End of the affair [videorecording] = 愛情的盡頭 791.4372 En21 N007476 MPAA rating R 22 奪寶大作戰 [錄影資料] = Three Kings 987.82 4342 N007478 MPAA rating R 23 天才雷普利 [錄影資料]= The talented Mr. Ripley 987.82 1418 N007475 MPAA rating R 24 The Exorcist [viedorecording] = 大法師 791.4372 Ex69 N007486 MPAA rating R 25 Hollow man [videorecording]= 透明人 791.4372 H728 N007493 MPAA rating R 26 Quills [videorecording] : 鵝毛筆 791.4372 Q41 N008496 MPAA rating R 27 28 days later [videorecording]= 28天毀滅倒數 791.4372 T918 N009395 MPAA rating R 28 Kill Bill [videorecording]= 追殺比爾 791.4372 K554 N009394 MPAA rating R 29 Carandiru [videorecording] = 監獄淌血 791.4372 C176 N009740 MPAA rating R 30 Man on fire [videorecording] = 火線救援 791.4372 M311f N009738 MPAA rating R 31 The Passion of the Christ [videorecording]= 受難記 : a Mel Gibson film. 791.4372 P267 N009539 MPAA rating R 32 Taking lives [videorecording]= 機動殺人 791.4372 T139 N009537 MPAA rating R 33 Sideways [videorecording] = 尋找新方向 791.4372 Si13 N009750 MPAA rating R 34 American pie : the wedding [videorecording] = 美國派之"昏"禮 791.4372 Am13 N009765 MPAA rating R 35 Orphan [videorecording] = 孤兒怨 791.4372 Or7 N012622 MPAA rating R 36 Trick 'r treat [videorecording] = 靈異萬聖夜 791.4372 T731a N012869 MPAA rating R 37 Training day [videorecording] : 震撼教育 791.4372 T682 N008505 MPAA rating R 38 Reservoir dogs [videorecording] = 橫行霸道 791.4372 R311t DVD N013229 MPAA rating R 39 Zombieland [videorecording] = 屍樂園 791.4372 F628 DVD N013225 MPAA rating R 40 Stricken [videorecording] = 陪妳到最後 791.4372 St85 DVD N013280 MPAA rating R 41 Sex and the city [videorecording] = 慾望城市 791.4372 Se91 N014807 MPAA rating R 42 Lady Chatterley [videorecording] = 查泰萊夫人的情人 791.4375 L128 N015016 MPAA rating R 43 Fight club [videorecording] = 鬥陣俱樂部 791.4372 F468 N014937 MPAA rating R 44 Le secret [videograbación] = 賣百科全書的女人 791.4372 L46c N013065 MPAA rating R 45 Les plages d'Agnès [videorecording] = 沙灘上的安妮 791.4372 L563t N013066 MPAA rating R 46 Des Illusions [videorecording] = 日落前與妳相遇 791.4372 D45 N013067 MPAA rating R 47 Perfume : the story of a murderer [videorecording]= 香水 791.4372 P419 N010925 MPAA rating R 48 Pumpkinhead 4. Blood feud [videorecording]= 召喚惡靈 : 血債血還 791.4372 P969 N010985 MPAA rating R 49 Yellow [videorecording]= 舞動生命 791.4372 Y38 N010974 MPAA rating R 50 Killing them softly [videorecording] = 殺戮行動 791.4372 K556 DVD N013557 MPAA rating R 51 12 years a slave [videorecording] = 自由之心 791.4372 T917 DVD N013701 MPAA rating R 52 The wolf of Wall Street [videorecording] = 華爾街之狼 791.4375 W831 DVD N013709 MPAA rating R 53 Catherine the Great [videorecording] = 凱瑟琳皇后 791.4375 C286 DVD N013836 MPAA rating R 54 In the cut [videorecording]= 凶線第六感 791.4372 In1 N009538 MPAA rating R 55 The Stanford Prison experiment : nach einer wahren Begebenheit [videorecording] = 史丹佛監獄試驗 791.4372 St24 DVD N014233 MPAA rating R 56 La mala educación [videorecording] = 壞教慾 Bad education 791.4372 L11 N009864 MPAA rating R