National Taiwan Ocean University

Office of Library and Information Technology


Audiovisual media


Book classification
  1. Generalities ( 23 )
  2. Philosophy & psychology ( 51 )
  3. Religion ( 6 )
  4. Natural sciences & mathematics ( 245 )
  5. Technology(Applied sciences) ( 212 )
  6. Social sciences ( 342 )
  7. Chinese geography & history ( 51 )
  8. Geography & history ( 248 )
  9. Language ( 69 )
  10. Literature & rhetoric ( 5 )
  11. The arts ( 1639 )
  1. Appendix Area ( 15 )
  2. AV for Circulation ( 1207 )
  3. Home Video ( 299 )
  4. AV Room ( 1 )
  5. MOVIE ( 1243 )
  6. MPAA rating R ( 56 )
  7. 5F Chinese Books ( 1 )
  8. 5F Avth Room ( 2 )
  9. 4F English Books ( 1 )
  10. Reference ( 2 )
  11. Appendix ( 1 )
  12. In Library Use ( 5 )
  13. 3F Dream Ocean ( 85 )
Search Geography & history & 3F Dream Ocean
TitleCall numberBarcodeLocation
1 模範島嶼.海上樂園 [錄影資料] : 七美之美 733.9916 4828 N012845 3F Dream Ocean
2 活水溯源 [錄影資料] / 733.32 1001 N012979 3F Dream Ocean
3 臺灣全記錄 [錄影資料] 臺灣海洋全紀錄 733.3 1013 N011186 3F Dream Ocean
4 台灣的海岸系列 [錄影資料] / 733.3 0362 N011162 3F Dream Ocean
5 戀戀貝殼砂 [錄影資料] 733.993 4413 DVD N013929 3F Dream Ocean
6 漫遊台灣 [錄影資料] 3 : 海岸風情 733.3 3040 DVD N014040 3F Dream Ocean
7 水陸之間 [錄影資料] : 大鵬灣濕地及小琉球潮間帶 733.976 9081-1 DVD N014115 3F Dream Ocean
8 海 [錄影資料] : Ocean 733.3 4183 DVD N014045 3F Dream Ocean
9 南疆沃海 [錄影資料] : 探索南沙太平島生態 = A frontier in the South China Sea - Exploring the ecosystems of Taiping Island, Nansha (Spratly) Islands 733.999 0732 DVD N013811 3F Dream Ocean
10 我們的島嶼 [錄影資料] : 釣魚臺列嶼 = Sovereign territory of the republic of china (Taiwan) : diaoyutai islands 733.999 4002 DVD N013930 3F Dream Ocean
11 龜嶼鄉情 [錄影資料] 733.982 5123 DVD N014136 3F Dream Ocean
12 台灣地景之旅 [錄影資料] / 733.3 9604 N011456 3F Dream Ocean
13 風從海上來 [錄影資料] / 733.3 7542 N010716 3F Dream Ocean
14 野性蘭嶼 [錄影資料] = Spirits of Orchid Island 733.997 8036 BD N014216 3F Dream Ocean
15 一島一天堂 [錄影資料] : 藍色小琉球 733.976 9081 DVD N014134 3F Dream Ocean
16 看見臺灣 [錄影資料] : Beyond beauty-Taiwan from above 733.3 0044-1 DVD N013667 3F Dream Ocean
17 深海搜奇 [錄影資料]= Treasures of the deep 798.9 8663-2 N011367 3F Dream Ocean
18 海底總動員. 1 [錄影資料] = Finding Nemo 987.85 5075 N014553 3F Dream Ocean