National Taiwan Ocean University

Office of Library and Information Technology


Audiovisual media


Book classification
  1. Generalities ( 23 )
  2. Philosophy & psychology ( 51 )
  3. Religion ( 6 )
  4. Natural sciences & mathematics ( 245 )
  5. Technology(Applied sciences) ( 212 )
  6. Social sciences ( 342 )
  7. Chinese geography & history ( 51 )
  8. Geography & history ( 248 )
  9. Language ( 69 )
  10. Literature & rhetoric ( 5 )
  11. The arts ( 1639 )
  1. Appendix Area ( 15 )
  2. AV for Circulation ( 1207 )
  3. Home Video ( 299 )
  4. AV Room ( 1 )
  5. MOVIE ( 1243 )
  6. MPAA rating R ( 56 )
  7. 5F Chinese Books ( 1 )
  8. 5F Avth Room ( 2 )
  9. 4F English Books ( 1 )
  10. Reference ( 2 )
  11. Appendix ( 1 )
  12. In Library Use ( 5 )
  13. 3F Dream Ocean ( 85 )
Search Social sciences & MOVIE
TitleCall numberBarcodeLocation
1 網路殺了她 [錄影資料] = The sextortion of Amanda Todd 544.67 8325 DVD N013818 MOVIE
2 天下第一家 [錄影資料] : 一條短短的街道現實生活的戲劇 539.5925 2612 DVD N013817 MOVIE
3 江南棄兒 [錄影資料] = China's forgotten daughters 548.134 4444 N015583 MOVIE
4 華視金選劇場 : 忘川 [錄影資料] = Lethe 544.182 4614 N015586 MOVIE
5 獨生子女的剖白 [錄影資料] = Only me generation 544.147 1123 N015588 MOVIE
6 華視金選劇場 : 重聚 [錄影資料] = Return 544.18 7781 N015587 MOVIE
7 返家八千里 [錄影資料] : 黑面琵鷺 = Bird without borders : black-faced Spoonbills 388.89 1325 N012600 MOVIE
8 The world without US [videorecording] = 沒有美國的世界 327.73009 W893 N012816 MOVIE
9 Theater of life [videorecording] = 五星級明日餐廳 387.5 T34 DVD N014382 MOVIE
10 Makala [videorecording] = 這條路的名字叫希望 339.46 M289 DVD N014418 MOVIE
11 RBG [videorecording] = 不恐龍大法 340.56 R219 N015432 MOVIE
12 100 million views [videorecording] = 爆紅影片公式 331.87 On2 N015434 MOVIE
13 Hue a matter of colour = 膚色大小事 305.8 H87 N015547 MOVIE
14 生命泉源 [錄影資料] = Water Life 367 2823 N015573 MOVIE